The Radio is the life link for you and other boats and must be in good working order.
For the correct use and edacity you should complete a marine Radio course, which is offered by the various sailing clubs and institutions. However, for use on day trips and sailing within the bay the following documentation will provide you with the necessary information and edicatecy to use the radio.
Radio Settings:
The open channel which is used for all “pleasure” marine requirements and is constantly monitored 24/7 by the Coastguard is channel 16. To select channel 16 on this radio is achieved by pressing the automatic 16 button or pressing 1-6 on the keypad panel and the “enter” button. (Note: if channel 16 automatic button is selected this will override the selection panel). When the radio is not being used for communications this should be left on channel 16 and monitored.
Radio Check prior to departure:
Switch the radio on via the on/off button this also controls the volume. (if the radio is not working check to see if the accessory switch on the electrical power panel has been selected – switch to the left) Rotate the squelch knob anticlockwise until static noise is heard from the radio; rotate clockwise until the static stops. This is the correct setting for the radio and you should hear crisp ship to ship communications, adjust the volume as necessary to obtain easy listening within the cockpit of the boat. Select the transmit button to the 25 watt position (button pressed in) and select channel 16.
Press the send button on the handset and carryout the following:
“Vancouver coastguard, Vancouver coast, Vancouver coastguard, this is Aquavit requesting a radio check,over ” The coastguard will respond and ask you to select channel 22, this is achieved by deselecting auto 16 button and select 2-2 and enter on the keypad. Upon selecting channel 22 repeat the above statement the coastguard will respond with a clarification statement, upon receiving this statement reselect the auto channel 16.
Note: repeat this process until you have received a radio check confirmation from the Coastguard. Do not assume that the radio is working. If the radio doesn’t work inform the fleet captain or maintenance staff prior to departure
Open talking with other boats or shore marina’s:
All initial contact for the above is made on channel 16, when making contact, radio ettacite requires you to call the call sign or marina location three times.
“Jolly Roger, Jolly Roger, Jolly Roger this is Aquavit, over” their response will be “Aquavit, Aquavit, Aquavit read you over”; your response is; “Jolly Roger, Jolly Roger, Jolly Roger receive you, go to channel 32 over” their response; “Aquavit, Aquavit, Aquavit will do over”
Note: Channel 16 is an open channel and must not used for continued conversation unless it is an emergency. For continued conversation, select a channel.
Shore Marina:
Example lunch time moorage- Snug Cove, Bowen Island;
“Union Steam Ship, Union Steam Ship, Union Steam Ship, this is Aquavit, requesting lunch-time moorage over” their response will be “Aquavit, Aquavit, Aquavit read you go to channel 68 over” ( select 68 on the keypad) your response; “Union Steam Ship, Union Steam Ship, Union Steam Ship, this is Aquavit, requesting lunch-time moorage over” their response will be “Aquavit, type and length of vessel over” your response:“Union Steam Ship, we are a 24ft sailboat over” their response will be” Aquavit, please proceed to dock bravo (B) 13 over”, your response:“Union Steam Ship, confirm bravo (B) 13 over and out” – end of communication.
Requesting Assistance:
There are two types of emergencies; Life threatening and non-life threatening;
Life threatening:- Posses an immediate threat to loss of life such as fire or sinking
Non-life threatening:- Doesn’t pose a threat to life, however, constitutes a marine hazard; such a drift, loss of steerage, rudder/ engine failure, run aground.
Based on the extent of the emergency there are two distinct call signs; Mayday and PanPan.
MAYDAY: used in the event of a Life threatening situation
PANPAN: used in the event of a non Life threatening situation
Declaring a MAYDAY: Select channel 16 and press the send button on the handset and carryout the following:
“MAYDAY,MAYDAY, MAYDAY, this is Aquavit 24ft sailboat, 2 milesnorth of Bowen Island Yellow hull with a D letter on sail sinking with an immediate loss of life requesting assistance over”. Repeat this until you receive a response.( identification), ( location) (description)
Declaring a PANPAN: Select channel 16 and press the send button on the handset and carryout the following:
“PANPAN, this is Aquavit 24ft sailboat 2 milesnorth of Bowen Island Yellow hull with a D letter on sail(), a drift with no immediate loss of life requesting assistance over. Repeat this until you receive a response identification ( location) , (description)PANAPAN,PANPAN,