Coastal Navigator Certificate [Sail or Power]

The holder is certified to navigate through coastal waters, within the sight of land, by day, using a hand bearing compass and navigational aids.
Coastal Navigator Certificate.
This certificate forms a major part of the Coastal Skipper Certificate. The practical can be taken before, after, or as part of the Coastal Skipper course [see your school or instructor].
It should be noted that all aspects of the Coastal Navigator Certificate must be completed, including the practical aspects, before the Coastal Skipper Certificate can be finally awarded. All done without a GPS Chart plotter.
Requirements for Certification
1. Be able to produce and use the necessary personal instruments to carry out the task as coastal navigator.
2. Determine what vessel equipment the coastal navigator can utilize to assist navigation and demonstrate the use of such equipment.
3. With the use of charts, paper or card models of buoys etc., demonstrate:
all aspects of the lateral buoyage system
the placement of cardinal buoys
the use of cautionary buoys and special purpose buoys
4. Know the difference between large and small-scale charts and how to change safely from one to the other.
5. Produce and keep an accurate log with all relevant data e.g. T.V.M.D.C., Lat./Long., Course, speed, etc.
6. Describe deviation and variation and demonstrate the ability to convert from true to magnetic and vice versa accurately on the log sheet.
7. Identify 20 different chart symbols, on a local chart, by the correct use of the publication Chart # 1. or other chart symbol library
8. Demonstrate the ability to use the national publications such as List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals. Canada
List of Lights and Light List USA
9. Understand how to use the national publications such as Sailing Directions. Canada
US Coastal Pilot and Sailing Directions. U.S.A Web Map of Ship Locations
10. Demonstrate the confident use of the publication Tide and Current Tables, Canada Tidal Current Tables and Tide Tables U.S.A. by:
planning a safe passage through a pass
calculating the depth of water over the length of stay when anchoring at any designated location
11. Understand the difference between the publications Notice to Mariners and Notice to Shipping. Canada
12. Understand the difference between the publications Local Notice to Mariners and Notice to Mariners. U.S.A.
13. Demonstrate the ability to plot a fix by using 3 lines of position.
14. Demonstrate the ability to plot a fix by using a transit and a bearing.
15. Demonstrate the ability to plot a running fix.
16. Using dead reckoning, chart and follow a course over 25 miles making at least 5 course changes.
17. Correctly label the course and using speed time and distance formulae give an estimated time of arrival at each course change and final destination.
18. Demonstrate the navigational skills to stay in close proximity to the course correcting for set and drift.
19. Using a Current Atlas demonstrate an understanding of how current flows at varying speeds and directions, and what effects this can have on the accuracy of navigating a small vessel in coastal waters.
20. Demonstrate the use of lead marks and clearing bearings.
21. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of International Collision Regulations.
Anyone completing the theory portion of this course by correspondence is required to send in the completed chart along with the chart work exercises to be marked. Note: If instructor certification is being pursued, the completed charts and workbook must be produced on the start date of an instructor course.